8 Products

Children's saddle pads, adaptors and safety items

Showing products 1 to 8 of 8
Child's saddle pad - saddle adaptor

A child seat that can be strapped to the front of most saddles so that a child can accompany the rider. Includes safety handle for the child.

Potrera tandem saddle by Marjoman

Tandem saddle designed for an adult riding with a child. Gives security and comfort. Mini stirrups and stirrup leathers for the child are included.

Neck safety strap

Safety grab strap for extra security for the inexperienced rider.

Saddle safety handle, or grab handle

Leather safety grab handle that can be attached to the front D rings on saddles for extra rider security.

Bareback riding pad

Bareback saddle pad for natural horsemanship riding. Rings fitted for attachment of stirrups if required.

Sheepskin - Bareback riding pad

Natural Horsemanship treeless bareback saddle pad. In natural sheepskin and cotton.

Zaldi Vaquera Tandem saddle

Zaldi tandem vaquera saddle - for adult and child. Complete kit includes girth, stirrups, stirrup leathers for adult and child.

Tandem Vaquera adult/child saddle by Marjoman

A tandem vaquera saddle. Extra long to accommodate adult rider with child. Care needed to ensure it is not too long for your horse.