42 Products

General Purpose & RDA saddles

Showing products 1 to 42 of 42
Zaldi GP saddle Royal De Luxe

GP saddle from Zaldi. Made from good quality leather, featuring ergonomic design with flexible tree.

Zaldi Olympic Deluxe GP Saddle

Good quality GP saddle model from Zaldi. Optimum balance between price and quality/design.

Zaldi Country saddle

Zaldi's country saddle used for endurance, hacking in the country - GP activities. Ultra comfort seat.

Zaldi GP saddle Ebro

GP saddle model from Zaldi for children. European leather, good quality.

Zaldi GP saddle Jupiter

GP saddle from Zaldi. Very popular model. Made from quality european leather.

Zaldi GP saddle Jupiter 2000

Zaldi's updated version of their popular Jupiter saddle. Made using advanced technology using quality leather.

General purpose saddle Europa 2G from Zaldi

GP saddle from Zaldi. Made using latest technology and top quality european leather.

General purpose saddle Europa-Especial by Zaldi

GP saddle from Zaldi. Made using latest technology and top quality european leather.

General purpose saddle Royal by Zaldi

Good value for money GP saddle from Zaldi. Combination leather saddle with suede knee contact area.

Royal Police GP saddle

GP saddle designed originally for use by the military for comfort when spending long periods in the saddle. Features comfort seat.

General purpose saddle Olympic by Zaldi

A good quality GP saddle from Zaldi, in soft box calf leather. Comfortable.

Child's general purpose saddle Royal-Junior by Zaldi

Good quality DP saddle for children from Zaldi. Made in european leather with suede on knee contact area.

Zaldi Military-Especial saddle

Originally designed for use by the horse mounted military, for long periods in the saddle. Good support and shock absorbing.

Zaldi Cross saddle

Multi discipline saddle, with large knee rolls can be used for horseball, jumping, endurance, hacking out etc. Semi deep seat. Single flap design.

Zaldi Hipo-Comples saddle - saddle for disabled riders

Popular saddle for disabled riders. Made especially for the purpose and made to order to accommodate the challenges experienced by different riders.

Zaldi Vaquera Hipo-Complex saddle - saddle for disabled riders

Sad dle for disabled riders in vaquera style from Zaldi. Designed for rider comfort and security.

Bareback saddle pad

Basic bareback pad for natural horsemanship. In full or pony sizes.

Sheepskin - Bareback riding pad

Natural Horsemanship treeless bareback saddle pad. In natural sheepskin and cotton.

Bremco general purpose saddle

Basic GP saddle, imported into Spain.

Australiana Cuero

Basic imported Australian saddle. Complete including girth, stirrups and stirrup leathers.

Bremco saddle and bridle complete kit

Complete riding kit - saddle, bridle plus accessories. One size only. Imported product.

Kings general purpose saddle

Economy GP saddle. Only one width and seat size. Imported product.

Kings general purpose saddle & bridle kit

Starter kit for riding horse - saddle, bridle, girth, stirrups, bit and numnah. One size, one colour.

Child's Pony saddle - Pad saddle

Pony treeless saddle pad kit with security strap and suede knee roll area for extra security for child rider.

Pony complete saddle kit

Pony saddle kit. Comprising girth, stirrups and stirrup leathers, includes a waterproof carry bag/saddle cover.

Pony size synthetic saddle kit

Pony synthetic saddle kit. Comprising girth, stirrups and stirrup leathers.

Zaldi endurance and general purpose saddle Montana

Saddle designed for horse and rider comfort during long rides. Can be supplied without the pommel horn request with order. A popular saddle model.

Bareback riding pad

Bareback saddle pad for natural horsemanship riding. Rings fitted for attachment of stirrups if required.

Child's saddle pad - saddle adaptor

A child seat that can be strapped to the front of most saddles so that a child can accompany the rider. Includes safety handle for the child.

Zaldi Cumbre endurance saddle

Zaldi saddle designed for long distance rides. Heavier than some of the modern endurance saddles.

Freemax Treeless endurance saddle

Good value for money. Treeless design so adaptable to most horse shapes.

SPECIAL OFFER Freemax Treeless endurance saddle

Good value for money. Treeless design so adaptable to most horse shapes.

Potrera tandem saddle by Marjoman

Tandem saddle designed for an adult riding with a child. Gives security and comfort. Mini stirrups and stirrup leathers for the child are included.

Tandem Vaquera adult/child saddle by Marjoman

A tandem vaquera saddle. Extra long to accommodate adult rider with child. Care needed to ensure it is not too long for your horse.

Treeless bareback saddle

Synthetic saddle covering. Treeless design. Complete including stirrups, girth etc.

Comfort seat for Zaldi saddles.

Optional Country seat for Zaldi saddles. Must be ordered with new saddle, cannot be retrofitted.

Name plate for saddles

Engravable metal name plate for attaching to a saddle.

Panel flocking for refillable saddle panels

Synthetic wool flocking for refillable panels on Zaldi 2G saddles with this option.

Zaldi 2G width change former

Replacement width gullet formers for Zaldi 2G saddles fitted with the DIY adjustable tree

Z-plus material
Spanish IVA - 21% OFF
Shetland pony saddle

Complete saddle kit for ponies