20 Products

Portuguese bridles

Showing products 1 to 20 of 20
Portuguese working single bridle, by Zaldi

Working Portuguese single bridle with square buckles, made by Zaldi from european leather. Includes reins.

Portuguese working double bridle, by Zaldi

Portuguese double working bridle, with square buckles, made by Zaldi in european leather. Includes reins.

De-luxe Portuguese double bridle with metal decorations

Zaldi deluxe Portuguese double bridle. Quality european leather, media cortesia ornaments. Includes reins.

Portugues or Baroque Cortezia double bridle

Marjoman Portuguese double bridle with cortesia ornaments. Top quality leather. Includes reins.

Plain Portuguese double bridle

Portuguese plain double bridle including reins. Features Portuguese style buckles but no other ornaments. Full size.

Plain Portuguese single bridle

Portuguese plain single bridle including reins. Features Portuguese style buckles but no other ornaments. Full size.

Portuguese Cortezia single bridle

Single Portuguese bridle from Marjoman with cortesia ornaments. Includes reins.

Portuguese single bridle with metal decorations

Single Portuguese bridle, including reins. Media cortesia ornaments. Good value for money.

Portuguese double bridle with metal decorations

Good value Portuguese double bridle with reins in media cortesia design.

Complete set of Portugues or Baroque Cortezia DOUBLE bridle with matching breastplate & crupper

Really good quality set of matching Portuguese double bridle, breastplate and crupper from Marjoman

Marjoman Lusitania single bridle

Elegant Portuguese bridle from Marjoman, good quality leatherwork

Marjoman Lusitania double bridle

Elegant Portuguese double bridle from Marjoman, good quality leatherwork

Complete set of Portugues or Baroque Cortezia SINGLE bridle with matching breastplate & crupper

Matching set of Portuguese single bridle, breastplate and crupper in media cortesia design from Marjoman.

De-luxe Portuguese single bridle with metal decorations

Zaldi deluxe Portuguese single bridle in media cortesia design. Includes reins.

Portuguese bridle - Rameada style

Portuguese single bridle from Ludomar. Bridle plain with decorated buckles in rameada design .

Special Offer Ludomar Portuguese bridle - Rameada style

Portuguese single bridle from Ludomar. Bridle plain tan leather with decorated buckles in rameada design .

Portuguese display bridle 'Lujo' - single

Portuguese display bridle. Often used for filmwork, very ornate.

Working Portuguese single bridle

Working Portuguese bridle with reins. Good quality leather and workmanship.

Working Portuguese double bridle

Top quality Portuguese working double bridle with reins.

Escola Portuguese bridle

Portuguese Escola bridle - good value for money.